Also, wondering if I should give up on django, at least for now.

I just can not get fastcgi working. I have read the django wiki, I
have tried to follow jeffcroft's tutorial. I just can not get it to
work. From what I'm seeing on the message boards, it's a common

I've never used fastcgi before, so I'm far from an expert. I don't
really know django either. Maybe this is something best left to people
who really know what they're doing? I never imagined it would be this
difficult for me.

I was using dot5hosting, I still have an account there. I bought a
dreamhost account, in large part, because it was supposed to be django
friendly. Now, some people are suggesting that I buy a third account
from WebFaction. This is getting old folks. Old and expensive.

I'm thinking that I might be better off with an MVC that works more
easily with shared hosting. Maybe codeignitor. That way I can get real
work done, while I try to learn some django on my local box. Maybe if
I can learn enough about django, and if I like it enough, then I'll
try django on shared hosting again.

I have read a lot of people rave about how django is easy to use. I
guess they mean for big projects. For smaller projects, it hardly
seems to be worth the overhead.

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