On 8/1/07, Kai Kuehne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm using django SVN and the windows version of psycopg2.
> Postgres is running on linux (version 8.1.8). It doesn't work on
> webfaction either, so this information shouldn't be that helpful.

Without seeing the exact error, I can think of two possible causes:

- MySQL is hiding some key-referential integrity problems that
Postgres is revealing. MySQL MyISAM tables don't check referential
integrity, so if you have forward references in your data, Postgres
could be choking where MySQL won't.

- You need to reset your Posgres sequences. './manage.py
sqlsequencereset' will generate the SQL code that will fix the
problem; this will reset the primary key sequences and allow you to
add new objects.

I should also point out that this problem doesn't exist with the
database dump mechanism that is built into Django. ./manage.py
loaddata automatically does a sequence reset after loadin a fixture.

Russ Magee %-)

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