
Can you get the same result with "default-storage-engine=InnoDB" in your 

 - Haavikko

Rob Hudson wrote:
> Hi Django Users,
> I'm using MySQL with Django but I dislike MySQL's default MyISAM
> tables because there is no referential integrity.  So I googled how to
> force Django to create InnoDB tables with MySQL and I found that I
> need to add this to my settings.py:
>        "init_command": "SET storage_engine=INNODB",
>     }
> I also saw that there was a comment stating to only do this when you
> run syncdb and not when running in general.  I can understand that
> it's only really needed when you run the CREATE statements, but does
> anyone know if it adds any overhead if it's left in?  It's somewhat of
> a PITA to have to remember to alter my settings if I'm adjusting my
> data models.
> Thanks,
> Rob
> >

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