On 8/6/07, birkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The Django serializers accept any iterable, not just query sets. You
> > can pass in any list or set of Django object instances, and they 
> > willserializefine.
> >
> I thought the same thing from this line in the serialization
> documentation:
> (Actually, the second argument can be any iterator that yields Django
> objects, but it'll almost always be a QuerySet).
> But this isn't working for me; please tell me what I'm doing wrong
> below.
> >>> from django.core import serializers
> >>> serializers.serialize( "xml", ['abc','def','ghi'] )

Read carefully. "The second argument can be any iterator that yields
_Django objects_".

['abc','def','ghi'] is a list of strings. Hence, the error:

> SerializationError: Non-model object (<type 'str'>) encountered during
> serialization

If you want to serialize non-model objects, use the underlying
serialization frameworks (simplejson, etc).

Russ Magee %-)

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