Alright....I'm sorry guys this is taking so long to get figured out.
I'm trying my best.  It a lot shorter than when I started and I'm no
longer using any for statements.  Here is my view:

def searchresult(request):
        if request.method == 'POST':
                NOT_PICKED = "---------------"
                y = Choice.objects.all()
                if ('price' in request.POST and request.POST['price'] <>
                        y = y.filter(price__price_cat=request['price'])
                if ('size' in request.POST and request.POST['size'] <> 
                        y = y.filter(size__size_cat=request['size'])
                choice_ids = [ for c in y]
                styles =
                if ('color' in request.POST) and (request.POST['color'] <>
                        styles = styles.filter(color_cat=request['color'])
        return render_to_response('searchresult.html', {'s': styles})


I'm having a couple of problems with this code.  First is the
following code:

y = y.filter(price__price_cat=request['price'])

I currently have two prices in the 200-299 range (249 and 299).  If
the user does a search for price between 200-299 then the only thing
this filter returns is the first one.  I never returns more than one.
For example when i do a assert False, y after the statement above I

AssertionError at /rugs/searchresult/
[<Choice: (<Size: 5'3 x 7'6>, <Price: 299>)>]

I do have a record in my choice table that has 249 as the price.


Second.  The following code doesn't seem to work correctly

choice_ids = [ for c in y]
styles = Style.objects.filter(sandp__choice__in=choice_ids).distinct()

This returns [] even though in myexample choice_ids = [7]


Here is my Style Class:

class Style(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(maxlength=200, core=True)
    color = models.CharField(maxlength=100)
    color_cat = models.ForeignKey(ColorCategory)
    image = models.ImageField(upload_to='site_media/')
    mimage = models.ImageField(upload_to='site_media/thumbnails',
    simage = models.ImageField(upload_to='site_media/thumbnails',
    theslug = models.SlugField(prepopulate_from=('name',))
    manufacturer = models.ForeignKey(Manufacturer)
    collection = models.ForeignKey(Collection,
edit_inline=models.TABULAR, num_in_admin=6)
    sandp = models.ManyToManyField(Choice)


Thanks again for the help

On Aug 9, 5:52 pm, RajeshD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> > myset.add(styles)
> You don't need the myset part anymore.
> > It's bringing back the right records (not filtered though), however
> > they are not visible.  Probably because of a list within a list.
> Right. I assume that you were using the set idiom to eliminate
> duplicate records of Style. Since the new query does all of that for
> you, you can just directly use 'styles' where you previously needed
> 'myset'. In other words, this:
> return render_to_response('searchresult.html', {'s': myset})
> would change to:
> return render_to_response('searchresult.html', {'s': styles})

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