> I'm developing a couple of ideas and I need other people's
> input. The applications are currently on my development PC at
> home. Are there any sites that offer free Django application
> hosting (not source)?

I don't believe I've come across any such generous soul.  Likely,
your best option is to simply host it on your local box, and then
point your "other people" at your external interface.  You can
easily find this by browsing to http://whatsmyip.org and you can
then direct your chums to


You might have to tweak your server (apache or whatever) to
listen as this address.

Alternatively, there are some dynamic DNS providers that for free
(or for a cheap price) will allow you to have a subdomain of one
of their many domains.  There's a nice catalog of them here:


They usually have a tool that runs on your local PC (some have
packages already in some Linux distros, such as dyndns.org which
allows updating via the Debian "ddclient" package...just "apt-get
install ddclient")

That way, you could register something like "example.homeip.org"
with dyndns.org, configure ddclient to automatically update your
info with your latest IP address, and then your chums can just go
to "http://example.homeip.org"; and, no matter what your ISP
changes your IP address to, they hit your machine (as long as the
daemon has had time to run and sync matters).

Check your ISP Terms Of Service to ensure they won't give you the
boot for running a web server from your home.


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