> I'm having trouble piecing together a query for this model:
> class Ticket(models.Model):
>     ...
>     assigned_user = models.ForeignKey(User)
>     name = models.CharField(maxlength=255)
>     private = models.BooleanField(default=False)
> I'm trying to get all the tickets where the tickets are not private OR
> the ticket is private and assigned to the current user.
> I'm foggy on where I use the comma, pipe, and ampersand characters to
> get the query structured properly. In pseudo-sql, I'd say "select *
> where private = False or (private=True and username='snewman')
> I thought I was close with this, but it only returned tickets assigned
> to me. (The parenthesis around the 2nd and 3rd Q's obviously didn't
> help)
> Ticket.objects.filter(Q(private__exact=False) |
> (Q(private__exact=True) & Q(assigned_user__username__exact='snewman')))
I don't know why this does not work. Could it be that the db somehow
contains NULL's rather than False? Could you try the output of 

Anyway, since

<=> (A OR NOT A) AND (A OR B)
<=> TRUE AND  (A OR B)
<=> A OR B

your query can be reduced to

Q(private__exact=False) | Q(assigned_user__username__exact='snewman')

Which is simpler, but probably does not work either.

Nis Jorgensen
No House IT.

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