I can't get this to work for me.

For example, I have two records which both share the term 'ThemePark",
one of these records also has the additional term "London".
However,  when I run your suggestion I get an empty query set.


On Sep 15, 2:27 am, r_f_d <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You are missing Q.
> try
> from django.db.models import Q (I think that is where it resides but
> cannot verify right now, a quick check of the documentation should
> confirm)
> Offer.objects.filter(Q(terms__exact = 'term1') & Q(terms__exact =
> 'term2') & Q(terms__exact = 'term3))
> On Sep 14, 6:46 pm, Merric Mercer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a model "OFFER" that has has many to many relationship with a
> > model  "TERMS".
> > Class OFFER:
> >        terms=models.ManyToMany(Terms)
> > Assuming I have the following value for 3 records in Term
> > term1=2
> > term2=5
> > term3=8
> > I want to return ONLY those offers which have ALL three of these terms .
> > I've tried:
> > qs=Offer.objects.all().filter(terms=term1).filter(terms=term2).filter(terms=term3)
> > but this doesn't work - I always end up with an empty query set.
> > What am I missing?
> > Cheers

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