Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> On 9/25/07, staff-gmail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Just some perspectives from a new user starting to use Django from Rails
>> and PHP.  I really like the organization of Django (great job guys).
>> But due to some of the newness, here are some lack of examples that
>> still make Django kind of hard to use or figure out.  So while my
>> comments might sound trivial or even simplistic, they are really
>> important for newcomers like myself.
> Hi,
> Thanks for taking the time to put your thoughts down like this. We're
> always keen to integrate any documentation/example improvements we
> can, and suggestions from newcomers are often the most productive as
> they come to the documentation without any preconceptions.
> Regarding your suggestions - there's a lot of material here, and while
> posting it to a mailing list does get your suggestions out there, it
> also makes your comments prone to being forgotten. Once they fall off
> the front page, it's all to easy to ignore an idea, regardless of how
> good an idea it may be.
> The best way to make sure your feedback isn't forgotten is to open
> tickets in the Django bug database. One improvement per ticket,
> ideally with a patch that provides a first-cut draft at a suggested
> revised text. Once they are in the database, your improvements are
> less likely to be forgotten, and they can work their way onto
> someone's to-do list for inclusion into Django itself.
> Again, thanks for taking the time to give us your feedback.
yeah, I realized that long posts are harder to read (I'll keep it to 1 
idea/post).  I'll get some of the suggestions posted in tickets.

Can someone help me out with the CRUD example that's not working ?   
That's my biggest immediate problem - or maybe I just need to repost 
that by itself  ? 

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