On 10/8/07, lars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can see why it is necessary to instantiate RequestContext with the
> request object. But in terms of DRY I wonder wether there isn't a
> better way?

Sure, just write a short wrapper function which calls
"render_to_response" and uses a RequestContext. One example which you
can use is available on djangosnippets:


Having Django "automatically" do this for you would be a bad idea,
because context processors may expose information to templates that
you wouldn't want to have globally available to template authors (for
example, the "request" context processor, because it makes the full
HttpRequest available, also necessarily makes things like the user's
session -- which is an attribute of the request -- and any posted data

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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