When I first developed my application I created a table that stored
all the different types of materials

class Material(models.Model):
    material = models.CharField(maxlength=100)

To get all the materials in the table all I needed to do was query the
table.  Recently, I've been going through my code to see if I can
clean it up.  So I deleted my table Material and made it into a
'choices' attribute.  So now I have

class Collection(models.Model):

        ('1', 'Paper'),('2', 'Plastic'),('3', 'Other'),

    material = models.CharField(max_length=50, choices=THE_MATERIAL)


However, now I want to be able to do a query that returns all of the
values in THE_MATERIAL (even if it's not being used by any
collection).  How would the query be setup to do this?


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