can somebody help me ?

On 11月6日, 上午11时00分, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you know django-registration is a famous module(
> p/django-registration/).
> i have a topic want to discuss with all:
> there is a option in django-registration  : AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE =
> 'myuser.MyUser'  which can be setted in, so you can access
> value of MyUser by
> my topic is, if MyUser have serveral field , to access these filed
> like this in the templates:
> Method 1:
> {{ myuser.get_profile.field1 }},
> {{ myuser.get_profile.field2 }},
> {{ myuser.get_profile.field3 }},
> Method 2:
> myuser=MyUser.objects.get(.....)
> then use:
> {{ myuser.field1 }},
> {{ myuser.field2 }},
> {{ myuser.field3 }},
> does this mean we hit database 3 times in method 1?
> hit once in method 2 ?
> just a disscussion, thanks author of django-registration!

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