On 12/1/07, machineghost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First off thanks in advance for any help you can provide.  My problem
> is that I have a very long form with a very repetitive layout:
> <tr>
>   <td class="label">{{ field.label }}</td>
>   <td>{{ field }}</td>
> </tr>
> which should in theory be perfect for wrapping inside a {% for field
> in form %} {% endfor %} loop; right?  Except there's one problem:
> every so often in this form there are divider rows that need to go in
> between the field rows.
> At first I thought I could just break the form fields in to lists, and
> then iterate through those lists separately, ie:
> (in view)
> firstSetOfFields = [form["field1"], form["field2"], ...]
> (in template)
> {% foreach field in firstSetOfFields %}
> but that didn't work at all, because firstSetOfFields was empty on the
> template (I guess it has something to do with the result of
> aForm["blah"] in a view not returning the same thing as aForm.blah on
> the template?).

I don't understand why this approach didn't work.  I do essentially this in
a form I have.  I'd try a little harder to understand what went wrong here
before moving onto your other approaches.  (You did remember to pass in
'firstSetOfFields' as a variable in your template context, right?).


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