The only obvious thing then is too make sure that all directories from
root down to the egg cache directory are actually readable/searchable
to others. If a parent directory is not readable/searchable ie., o+rx,
then Apache will not be able to search in there, even if the egg cache
directory has user/group ownership that would allow it to write to it.

Maybe for sanity check, post output of:

  ls -lasd /opt/django/eggdump/
  ls -lasd /opt/django/
  ls -lasd /opt/

Also indicate what User/Group directives in Apache configuration are
set to.


On Dec 4, 1:21 pm, Michael Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> tried it fresh, tried it with stuff in it (for kicks). Either way
> nothing shows up, changes etc. That whole issue with mod_python might
> be the issue. For the meanwhile, so I can get to bed tonight I just
> ran easy_install. I will try without the absolute paths tomorrow.
> Thanks
> On Dec 3, 7:55 pm, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Dec 4, 11:22 am, Michael Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > This isn't strictly a problem with Django, but for some reason I am
> > > having problems extracting my python eggs. Mod_python comes back with:
> > > <blockquote>ExtractionError: Can't extract file(s) to egg cache
> > > The following error occurred while trying to extract file(s) to the
> > > Python egg
> > > cache:
> > >   [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/opt/django/eggdump/
> > > MySQL_python-1.2.2-py2.5-linux-i686.egg-tmp'
> > > The Python egg cache directory is currently set to:
> > >   /opt/django/eggdump
> > > Perhaps your account does not have write access to this directory?
> > > You can
> > > change the cache directory by setting the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment
> > > variable to point to an accessible directory.
> > > </blockquote>
> > > I read these 
> > > docs
> > > and created the proper file and tried to put the files in my django
> > > directory. I also tried tmp and site-packages and no luck. This is a
> > > development box so I set the permissions of opt to fully executable. I
> > > also did sudo -u apache touch /opt/django/eggdump/file.txt and that
> > > worked.
> > > I am completely confounded, a bit tired and really annoyed. Anyone
> > > else encounter this issue before? What can I do?
> > FWIW, in relation to use of the PythonImport directive, Django
> > documentation says:
> > """Note that you can use an absolute path here (or a normal dotted
> > import path), as described in the mod_python manual. We use an
> > absolute path in the above example because if any Python path
> > modifications are required to access your project, they will not have
> > been done at the time the PythonImport line is processed."""
> > What the documentation doesn't say is that an absolute path can only
> > be used if you are using mod_python 3.3. If you are using an older
> > version of mod_python it will not work with an absolute path.
> > Anyway, did you completely remove the contents of your eggdump
> > directory before running it under mod_python, or are you allowing it
> > to try and unpack stuff on top of old stuff put there when run as a
> > different user and therefore with conflicting permissions. If you
> > ensure that eggdump directory is empty first, does it still fail?
> > Graham
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