> Hello Ben,
> I'm not really sure what you mean by leave the _id out.
> What i did with the sponsor_id and method_id was getting the correct
> objects from the Method and Sponsor class

He means there is no reason the append _id to your field names as that
is done by django itself. If you look at the database you'll probably
see that the method table has a method_id_id field. Actually, if
you're naming your autofields something_id it's completely OK to not
define them at all, django will ad d one for you. See my code below.

> The Client class i believe is a attribute of both ( Sponsor and
> Method )
A manager called clients_set is an attribute of both the Sponsor and
Method model, not the Client class itself.

> If you use only one ForeignKey the normal code to add some values
> would be
> sponsor = Sponsor.objects.get(sponsor_id=1)
> sponsor contains the Sponsor object for sponsor_id 1
> next you could add data in clients by
> sponsor.clients_set.create(labcode=101,invoiceNr='None')
> The problem is that clients is not only a attribute from sponsor but
> also from method
> so this way of getting values in the clients table won't work. because
> you have to reference both sponsor as method and that gives the
> attributeError

Mmh, no. You can create clients in one of the following ways (assuming
there is a Method object m and a Sponsor object s):

#1 (direct way)
>>> c = Clients(labcode=101, invoiceNr='123', sponsor=s, method=m)
>>> c.save()

#2 (through a Sponsor object)
>>> s.clients_set.create(labcode=102, invoiceNr='456', method=m)

#3 (through a Method object)
>>> m.clients_set.create(labcode=103, invoiceNr='789', sponsor=s)

> if i would use sql queries i could just add the sponsor and method
> values in the table that are related to the same values in the sponsor
> and method class
> but i'm interested in seeing how Django would deal with this.
> if anyone knows how to deal with this, i would really appreciate the
> help.

Here's the model code I used:

class Method(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=20)

class Sponsor(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)

class Clients(models.Model):
    labcode = models.AutoField(primary_key = True)
    invoiceNr = models.IntegerField()
    sponsor = models.ForeignKey(Sponsor)
    method = models.ForeignKey(Method)

I hope that sheds some light on things.

> Regards,
> Richard
> On Dec 19, 6:19 pm, "Ben Ford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Try this:
> > class Clients(models.Model):
> >        labcode = models.AutoField(primary_key = True)
> >        invoiceNr = models.IntegerField()
> >        sponsor = models.ForeignKey(Sponsor)
> >        method = models.ForeignKey(SubmitMethod)
> > sponsor_id is the actual value stored in the db (i.e the pk value of the
> > instance that the ForeignKet points at). If you get rid of the _id from the
> > end of the field name it should work.
> > Ben
> > On 19/12/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello Django Users,
> > > I just started working with django again but i'm running into some
> > > troubles adding values into my database.
> > > just for an example i made the following three tables
> > > class Method(models.Model):
> > >         method_id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
> > >         methodName = models.CharField(max_length=20)
> > > class Sponsor(models.Model):
> > >         sponsor_id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
> > >         sponsorName = models.CharField(max_length=50)
> > > class Clients(models.Model):
> > >         labcode = models.AutoField(primary_key = True)
> > >         invoiceNr = models.IntegerField()
> > >         sponsor_id = models.ForeignKey(Sponsor)
> > >         method_id = models.ForeignKey(SubmitMethod)
> > > I added some values into the tables method and sponsor and now i want
> > > to add the values into the table clients. The problem is that it has
> > > multiple foreignkeys and the method from the tutorial doesn't work in
> > > this case
> > >           sponsor = Sponsor.objects.get(sponsor_id=1)
> > >           method = Method.objects.get(method_id=1)
> > > sponsor.method.clients_set.create(labcode=101,invoiceNr='None')
> > > the error it states is the following
> > > AttributeError: 'Sponsor' object has no attribute 'method'
> > > offcourse that is correct because only clients is a attribute from
> > > sponsor.
> > > Can someone help me out, how can i add values to this table using the
> > > django method ? ( offcourse i can fall back to sql querying but i like
> > > to know the django way )
> > > any help would be greatly appreciated,
> > > Regards,
> > > Richard M
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Ben Ford
> > +6281317958862
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