Hello all,

I have a problem and I have been googling around for many days for the
solution without any hope. It will be great if someone can help me out
with it.

I have a model Called 'Country' with the following fields

        male_count = models.SmallIntegerField( null=True, blank=True,
editable=False )
        """ Nubmer of male members in country (computed field). """

        female_count = models.SmallIntegerField( null=True, blank=True,
editable=False )
        """ Nubmer of female members in country (computed field). """

        total_members = models.IntegerField( null=True, blank=True,
editable=False )

And my admin model

class CountryOptions( admin.ModelAdmin ):

 fieldsets = ( ...etc

What I want is to have the male_count, female_count and the
total_member fields visible when editing or adding a new country.

The problem is that when I set the fields to editable=False then they
won't be visible in the adminModel

any ideas?. Thanks in advance I really appreciate it


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