Le 20 déc. 07 à 10:27, Daniel de la Cuesta a écrit :

> Hi all,
> I want to add the geo tag (with latitude and longitude) to each item  
> of my feeds:
> <georss:point>45.256 -71.92</georss:point>
> I am using the feeds framework:
> class LatestEvents(Feed):        title = "Latest Events"        link  
> = "/events/"        def items(self):            return  
> Event.objects.order_by('-start_date')[:5]
> Is there any way to add the new node to each item returned by  
> "items()"
> Thank you.


Attached is my current solution which is not really elegant but works.  
That's why I cross post to the developers mailing-list, maybe we can  
find a better way to handle that? There is a lot of duplicate code in  
my solution (and maybe there is a better one?, let me know) but I  
could easily generate a patch against the trunk for that.

Btw, I had noticed a bug in the SyndicationFeed class of django  
feedgenerator, language is the only parameter where force_unicode is  
applied and it returns u"None". This "conversion" cause problem in the  
"if self.feed['language'] is not None:" test. If you replace  
force_unicode by to_unicode it works. I'd submitted a bug and a patch  
on Trac, see #6303.

While we are at feeds, I got a "cosmetic" question. It seems that each  
generated feed in Django is not highlighted by Firefox when you read  
the source. Is there a reason to that? I can't find a way to find the  


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from django.utils.xmlutils import SimplerXMLGenerator
from django.utils.feedgenerator import SyndicationFeed, Atom1Feed, rfc3339_date, get_tag_uri

class GeoSyndicationFeed(SyndicationFeed):
    def add_item(self, title, link, description, author_email=None,
        author_name=None, author_link=None, pubdate=None, comments=None,
        unique_id=None, enclosure=None, categories=(), item_copyright=None, 
        ttl=None, georss=()):
        Adds an item to the feed. All args are expected to be Python Unicode
        objects except pubdate, which is a datetime.datetime object, and
        enclosure, which is an instance of the Enclosure class.
        super(GeoSyndicationFeed, self).add_item(title=title, link=link, 
            author_email=author_email, author_name=author_name, 
            author_link=author_link, pubdate=pubdate, comments=comments,
            unique_id=unique_id, enclosure=enclosure, categories=categories, 
            item_copyright=item_copyright, ttl=ttl)
        self.items[-1]['georss'] = georss and u"%s %s" % georss or None

class GeoAtom1Feed(Atom1Feed, GeoSyndicationFeed):

    def write(self, outfile, encoding):
        handler = SimplerXMLGenerator(outfile, encoding)
        if self.feed['language'] != u'None':
            handler.startElement(u"feed", {
                u"xmlns": self.ns, 
                u"xml:lang": self.feed['language'],
                u"xmlns:georss": u"http://www.georss.org/georss";,
                u"xmlns:gml": u"http://www.opengis.net/gml"})
            handler.startElement(u"feed", {
                u"xmlns": self.ns,
                u"xmlns:georss": u"http://www.georss.org/georss";,
                u"xmlns:gml": u"http://www.opengis.net/gml"})
        handler.addQuickElement(u"title", self.feed['title'])
        handler.addQuickElement(u"link", "", {u"rel": u"alternate", u"href": self.feed['link']})
        if self.feed['feed_url'] is not None:
            handler.addQuickElement(u"link", "", {u"rel": u"self", u"href": self.feed['feed_url']})
        handler.addQuickElement(u"id", self.feed['id'])
        handler.addQuickElement(u"updated", rfc3339_date(self.latest_post_date()).decode('ascii'))
        if self.feed['author_name'] is not None:
            handler.startElement(u"author", {})
            handler.addQuickElement(u"name", self.feed['author_name'])
            if self.feed['author_email'] is not None:
                handler.addQuickElement(u"email", self.feed['author_email'])
            if self.feed['author_link'] is not None:
                handler.addQuickElement(u"uri", self.feed['author_link'])
        if self.feed['subtitle'] is not None:
            handler.addQuickElement(u"subtitle", self.feed['subtitle'])
        for cat in self.feed['categories']:
            handler.addQuickElement(u"category", "", {u"term": cat})
        if self.feed['feed_copyright'] is not None:
            handler.addQuickElement(u"rights", self.feed['feed_copyright'])

    def write_items(self, handler):
        for item in self.items:
            handler.startElement(u"entry", {})
            handler.addQuickElement(u"title", item['title'])
            handler.addQuickElement(u"link", u"", {u"href": item['link'], u"rel": u"alternate"})
            if item['pubdate'] is not None:
                handler.addQuickElement(u"updated", rfc3339_date(item['pubdate']).decode('ascii'))

            # Author information.
            if item['author_name'] is not None:
                handler.startElement(u"author", {})
                handler.addQuickElement(u"name", item['author_name'])
                if item['author_email'] is not None:
                    handler.addQuickElement(u"email", item['author_email'])
                if item['author_link'] is not None:
                    handler.addQuickElement(u"uri", item['author_link'])

            # Unique ID.
            if item['unique_id'] is not None:
                unique_id = item['unique_id']
                unique_id = get_tag_uri(item['link'], item['pubdate'])
            handler.addQuickElement(u"id", unique_id)

            # Summary.
            if item['description'] is not None:
                handler.addQuickElement(u"summary", item['description'], {u"type": u"html"})

            # Enclosure.
            if item['enclosure'] is not None:
                handler.addQuickElement(u"link", '',
                    {u"rel": u"enclosure",
                     u"href": item['enclosure'].url,
                     u"length": item['enclosure'].length,
                     u"type": item['enclosure'].mime_type})

            # Categories.
            for cat in item['categories']:
                handler.addQuickElement(u"category", u"", {u"term": cat})

            # Rights.
            if item['item_copyright'] is not None:
                handler.addQuickElement(u"rights", item['item_copyright'])

            # GeoRSS
            if item['georss'] is not None:
                handler.startElement(u"georss:where", {})
                handler.startElement(u"gml:Point", {})
                handler.addQuickElement(u"gml:pos", item['georss'])



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