On Jan 2, 4:43 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 15:38 -0800, grahamu wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm having a problem with Django "HTML escaping" JSON data sent in
> > response to an asynchronous form submission when the form has an
> > <input type="file" ...> field. Forms that don't have a file field
> > yield proper responses, and when Javascript is disabled on the browser
> > normal form submissions work as well.
> > I'm using the Yahoo User Interface library, specifically the Dialog &
> > Connection Manager components, to send and receive asynchronous
> > messages to/from my view.
> > As an example, the JSON response seen by the javascript might be:
> >    "<pre>{\"valid\": false, \"errors\": {\"options\": \"&lt;ul class=\
> > \"errorlist\\"&gt;&lt;li&gt;This field is required.&lt;\/li&gt;&lt;\/
> > ul&gt;\"}}</pre>"
> > when it should be:
> >    "{\"valid\": false, \"errors\": {\"options\": \"<ul class=\
> > \"errorlist\\"><li>This field is required.<\/li><\/ul>\"}}"
> > You can see that the Django system encapsulates the entire response in
> > <pre></pre> tags. Additionally, the underlying error message HTML is
> > also escaped.
> > Does anyone know why this escaping might be happening? Can you suggest
> > how I might avoid the escaping of the response?
> Both the "why" and the "how" are documented in docs/templates_python.txt
> in the source. The short answer is that any time a variable is rendered
> into a template auto-escaping is applied. If you don't want this to
> happen, you can mark the particular variable as safe from further
> escaping using either mark_safe() in your view (probably the best
> approach -- marking it safe as soon as you know that fact) or in the
> template with the "safe" filter ({{ some_var|safe }}) or wrap an entire
> section of the template within the {% autoescape off %} ... {%
> endautoescape %} template tag.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
> --
> A conclusion is the place where you got tired of 
> thinking.http://www.pointy-stick.com/blog/

Thanks for your speedy response. I don't believe this is a template
issue as I'm returning a JSON response and not rendering to a

The view code logic:

   if not form.is_valid():
      return JSONFormErrors(form)
      # return some other data


   def JSONFormErrors(form):
      errors = form.errors
      response_dict = {}
      response_dict.update({'valid': not errors})
      response_dict.update({'errors': errors})
      return JsonResponse(response_dict)

   class JsonResponse(HttpResponse):
      def __init__(self, data):
         HttpResponse.__init__(self, json_encode(data),

json_encode is a version of Wolfgang Kriesing's encoder (http://

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