But I need the initial data to be dynamic, so I can't just do
text = forms.CharField(widget = forms.Textarea, initial = 'sometext')

I assume I can do some thing along the lines of overriding __init__
for this form, passing the requored value from the view function and
then using something like
text = forms.CharField(widget = forms.Textarea, initial =
I just can't get this to work? Any place where I can look for dynamic
values to initial?

On Jan 6, 2:38 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sun, 2008-01-06 at 01:32 -0800, shabda wrote:
> > I have a form, to which I want to pass some data when it is first
> > dipalyed,
> > My form is,
> > class EditPage(forms.Form):
> >     text = forms.CharField(widget = forms.Textarea)
> >     edit_summary = forms.CharField()
> > In my view I bind data to this form as
> >     if request.method == 'GET':
> >         page = Page.objects.get(slug = slug)
> >    edit_form = forms.EditPage({'text':page.current_revision.wiki_text})
> > Since this is a edit page, we need to display the previous data, but
> > the edit_summary field must be empty. However as soon as I bind any
> > thing to the form the validation fires and so in the template errors
> > are displayed, as form.errors is not empty. We can not se form.errors,
> > as that field is Immultable. SO how do I add data to the form when it
> > is first displayed?
> You need to use the "initial" parameter for supplying initial data. 
> Seehttp://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/newforms/#initialfor the
> details.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
> --
> Success always occurs in private and failure in full 
> view.http://www.pointy-stick.com/blog/
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