James Bennett wrote:
On Jan 8, 2008 10:17 AM, Nader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have looked while for a answer to my problem but unfortunately I
haven't found a one, maybe I had to spend more time.  However I have a
project with some applications. By using of Admin we can Create, Read,
Update and Delete (CRUD)  models information in the project. But in
one application I would like only to read  the model and could not
use  Create, Update and Delete capabilities. Would somebody tell me
how I can solve this problem by using of Admin interface?

As you'll find by searching the archives of this list, this is not
something the Django admin interface is designed to support, and so
any solution will need to come entirely from you writing your own

Another dirty solution would be to simply create a user account, and give it permissions to only view things. I haven't played with permissions at all, but I imagine it would be possible.
The correct way is still to write your own code to do it.

Jeff Anderson

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