When you explicitly write list in choices it evaluates at module
import type. To avoid this write function and pass it as 'choices'

def get_choices():
    [(d.id,d.name) for d in Deck.objects.all()]
deck = forms.ChoiceField(required=True,choices = get_choices )

When this function will be called every time the form is rendered

On 13 янв, 21:00, Julian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have cards and decks, decks have ManyToMany cards, and if you want
> to add a card, you have to chose a deck; quite simple.
> my forms.py contains something like that:
> class CardForm(forms.Form):
>     deck = forms.ChoiceField(required=True,choices=[(d.id,d.name) for
> d in Deck.objects.all()])
>     question = forms.CharField(required=True,max_length=10000)
>     answer = forms.CharField(required=True,max_length=10000)
> obviously this doesn't work if i add a new deck, it doesn't appear in
> the select-list of the deck-form-field.
> Correct me if i'm wrong: the CardForm is not rendered each time I
> import it but each time i change the forms.py file.
> how do i avoid this?
> my solution is to create the list with the choices in the view...but i
> have to do it here and there, so i could save some lines of code.
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