On Jan 17, 2008 2:08 PM, code_berzerker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > So, though the settings.py you posted has TEMPLATE_DIRS with your '/
> > var/www...'directory listed, the one you are running with has no
> Yes I've noticed that, but I use settings.py listed above. Django uses
> db configuration from that file and other things too. Somehow
> TEMPLATE_DIRS gets cleared or filtered. for example if I run python
> manage.py shell from project dir and inspect settings module it is
> empty. I'm kinda new to Python and Django, so I may actually do some
> stupid mistake on the way. I'm getting frustrated enough to convinve
> myself to use pdb to run that code step by step. I dont know how to
> use pdb and it scares me yet.... Still considering installing Django
> on windows and trying to debug it through Eric or SPE (but since winxp
> is different platform I can get different issues and that holds me off
> it).

Check the value of settings.__file__ from python manage.py shell after
importing settings, just to make sure it is using the file you think it is.
I don't see any code in Django that would filter or clear that setting, so
my first inclination is to think it is using some other settings file than
what you are expecting.

I can't help with pdb, coming most recently from a Java background to Django
I already had Eclipse up and running and it was easy enough to add PyDev to
that for debugging Django stuff, so that is what I tend to use.

BTW if it does matter I've setup Ubuntu (just shell, no X-Windows) on
> VMWare and using it as development server from windows xp.

I don't know of any reason why that shouldn't work, but it is outside my
experience.  I develop primarily on Ubuntu, but also have a couple spare old
Windows machines I try things out on from time to time.  FWIW I've never had
any great difficulty getting Django stuff running on Windows.


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