My template is

    {% for field in form %}
        {{ field.label_tag }}
        <span class="help">{% if field.help_text
%}<dd>{{ field.help_text }}</dd>{% endif %}</span>
        <span class="error">{% if field.errors %}<dd
class="myerrors">{{ field.errors }}</dd>{% endif %}</span>
    {% endfor %}

How can I check the name of the current field?

On Jan 22, 5:23 pm, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 22-Jan-08, at 5:45 PM, shabda wrote:
> > I want to have the one of the field for my form have a specific css
> > class. But if I do something like,
> > widget = forms.TextInput(attrs = {'size':60, 'class':'main'}
> > The textInput, and not its associated label gets the class. How can I
> > specify the class for label?
> you can break down the form and do it inside the template
> --
> regards
> kghttp://lawgon.livejournal.com
> Foss Conference for the common man:
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