I'd start by looking at the HTML that results, particularly the "input name" 
parts. From your symptoms, it sounds like you may have two (or more) with the 
same name.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: django-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of Tim
> Sent: 22 January 2008 1:30 PM
> To: Django users
> Subject: Multiple form objects, only getting contents from last one
> Hello,
> I am working on a small app, based on Malcolm Tredinnick's "complex
> forms" article, located at http://www.pointy-
> stick.com/blog/2008/01/06/django-tip-complex-forms/.
> I have a few quiz questions, where each displays its available
> answers. The end result is that there are multiple Django (new) forms
> within one HTML form object, as intended. However, the answers for
> each quiz question are getting set to those for the last question in
> the list, as shown below:
> What is your quest?
> Answers:
>  Red!
>  Purple!
> What is your favourite colour?
> Answers:
>  Red!
>  Purple!
> If there is one question, the answers match up, but otherwise they're
> wrong for all but the last one. My own version (his is below) just
> adds a bunch of debug print statements. What I think is happening
> though, is that the answers coming from the database are correct, but
> the part where the fields are set appears to reference answers as a
> class variable. Does this sound correct? From debug output, the
> self.fields value starts off pretty much empty, then is updated OK the
> first time. For the second question, the self.fields still has the
> contents from the first question, until it updates it. Shouldn't this
> be a separate variable instance per question?
> Suggestions are welcome.
>   Thanks,
>   Tim
> (code follows)
> """
> Create the quiz form(s).
> """
> from django import newforms as forms
> from django.http import Http404
> from models import Question
> class QuestionForm(forms.Form):
>     answers = forms.ChoiceField(widget=forms.RadioSelect())
>     def __init__(self, question, *args, **kwargs):
>         super(QuestionForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
>         self.problem = question.problem
>         answers = question.answers.order_by('statement')
>         self.fields['answers'].choices = [(i, a.statement) for i, a in
>                 enumerate(answers)]
>         # We need to work out the position of the correct answer in
> the sorted
>         # list of all possible answers.
>         for pos, answer in enumerate(answers):
>             if answer.id == question.correct_answer_id:
>                 self.correct = pos
>             break
>     def is_correct(self):
>         """
>         Determines if the given answer is correct (for a bound form).
>         """
>         if not self.is_valid():
>             return False
>         return self.cleaned_data['answers'] == str(self.correct)
> def create_quiz_forms(quiz_id, data=None):
>     questions =
> Question.objects.filter(quiz__pk=quiz_id).order_by('id')
>     form_list = []
>     for pos, question in enumerate(questions):
>         form_list.append(QuestionForm(question, data, prefix=pos))
>     if not form_list:
>         # No questions found, so the quiz_id must have been bad.
>         raise Http404('Invalid quiz id.')
>     return form_list

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