Karen -

I agree - this was very strange - that's why I was confused.  I've not
yet upgraded to 0.96.1, so I guess that's the next step.


On Jan 18, 1:01 pm, "Karen Tracey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 18, 2008 10:51 AM, Robert Swerdlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I posted this note at comp.lang.python and the response there was that
> > this all works outside of Django.  What is the problem with using MySQL
> > OperationalErrors with Django?
> > ---------
> > In our database code (we are using django v0.96) we wanted to catch
> > and handle MySQL OperationalErrors.  We use both the Django models and
> > database connections.
> > However, even though we confirmed that a
> > _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError are raised (particularly 1213
> > deadlock), we cannot catch them with try/except.
> > Here's the code that did not work:
> >     import _mysql_exceptions
> >     from _mysql_exceptions import OperationalError
> >     try:
> >         database_code()
> >     except (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError, OperationalError), e:
> >         error_handling()
> > Originally, we just had one import, but tried both to ensure that was
> > not the problem.  In debugging, we confirmed that both type(e) and
> > e.__class_ were <class _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError>.
> > The only work-around we found was:
> >     try:
> >         database_code()
> >     except Exception, e:
> >         if e.__class__.__name__.find('OperationalError') != -1:
> >             error_handling()
> >         else:
> >             raise
> > This seems silly.  If we used any other exception, the except clause
> > seems to work correctly.
> > Is there a problem with _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError?  Is there
> > a better work-around?
> > -----------
> I cannot recreate any problem with catching OperationalErrors using Django
> 0.96.1.  To test I added a field to a model definition that doesn't exist in
> the database and tried a get -- this generates an OperationalError, which I
> was able to catch:
> Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]
> on win32
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> (InteractiveConsole)>>> from mini.models import Authors
> >>> import _mysql_exceptions
> >>> def tryget():
> ...   try:
> ...     a = Authors.objects.get(pk=22)
> ...   except _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError, e:
> ...     print 'get failed with OperationalError: ' + str(e)
> ...     return
> ...   print 'get succeeded, a = ' + str(a)
> ...>>> tryget()
> get failed with OperationalError: (1054, "Unknown column 'mini_authors.Xtra'
> in 'field list'")>>> import django
> >>> django.VERSION
> (0, 96.099999999999994, None)
> My MySQLdb is version 1.2.2.
> I don't know why a 1213 OperationalError would be treated any differently
> than the 1054 one above.
> It sounds very odd to me that you verified the class of the exception you
> catch with 'catch Exception, e' is <class
> _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError> but you cannot 'catch
> _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError'.
> Sorry, but I have no explanation for how that could happen....all I can say
> is catching OperationalErrors when running Django code works for me.
> Karen
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