hey guys - im about to formally launch a new site done with django
called TSA Complaints (http://www.tsacomplaints.com)

the site is a response to the hundreds of comments taking the TSA to
task for their well-deserved reputation of being ineffective, lax, and
generally obnoxious. i hope for it to become a forum for complaints,
housing the opinion of travelers inconvenienced by the company thats
supposed to be keeping them safe. eventually, once enough input has
been given, ill be excitedly mining the results on a regular basis
(probably weekly-monthly) and publishing the results to watch trends
in both the short and long (historical) term.

before the grand opening, i'd really appreciate any feedback,
comments, wisdom or content (especially content!) that the django
users community has to offer. this is the first kinda-big scale
project i've launched, too.

matt dennewitz
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