
I have a table structure like this.

class Componentdependencies(models.Model):
    componentVersionID = models.ForeignKey(Componentversions)
    depComponentVersionID = models.ForeignKey(Componentversions)
    useFlagID = models.ForeignKey(Useflags, db_column='useFlagID')
    class Meta:
        db_table = 'ComponentDependencies'

The two fields componentVersionID and depComponentVersionID refer foreign
keys referring to another table 'Componentversions'. The class above is an
entry from models.py. When to try to create the tables using syncdb it gives
me the following error.

Error: Couldn't install apps, because there were errors in one or more
cdb.componentdependencies: Accessor for field 'componentVersionID' clashes
with related field 'Componentversions.componentdependencies_set'. Add a
related_name argument to the definition for 'componentVersionID'.
cdb.componentdependencies: Accessor for field 'depComponentVersionID'
clashes with related field 'Componentversions.componentdependencies_set'.
Add a related_name argument to the definition for 'depComponentVersionID'.

It is due to two fields of the same table declared as foreign keys of the
same table. This is very common usage in any database. Can somebody help me
how to resolve this problem?

Thanks in advance,

Sairam K

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