
I am moving from MT and EE to Django. Having heard a lot of positive
stuff from users of Django.

Reading the website, it seems Django is not a readymade CMS but a
"framework". More like CodeIgniter from the EE guys.

Which is a bit confusing because I don't know the out of box
capabilities of Django. (I hate Drupal for its needless geeky
complexity and am hoping Django is not like that).

My requirements are as follows. I would appreciate if someone can
confirm if Django is worth my effort:

1. I don't want to have to use Python. The system itself can use
Python and be developed in it, but once installed the interface should
be simple. I am good with PHP and HTML.

2. I want one central install of Django. On my root host Apache
server. Then I want different domains (which are setup as VirtualHost
in my httpd.conf) to be able to use the *same* installation of Django
using some directory "Alias" such as http://domain1.com/cms and
http://domain2.com/cms and so on. This is similar to EE's "Multisite
Manager" or MT's central install: http://snipurl.com/mtmulti2  (and
hopefully should be MUCH better than the drivel that goes on in the
name of Wordpress MU). Each domain may have a different design for its
website, and it may or may not be a blog.

3. I'd like to have some templates for design, kind of like MT's
"template sets", which allow for easy XHTML-valid skinning of
websites. Does Django allow for something like that?

4. I can define Expression Engine as a CMS by using "custom fields".
In each blog, I can define what my content section looks like. Is this
possible with Django?

5. Does Django work with postgresql? I'd rather not use MySQL.

6. Where can I see an out of the box output of Django? For example, to
start with the very basic thing, can Django produce a simple blog type
website without ANY tinkering to the code, and if so, where can I see
what this website can look like?

I think that's it for now. I hope these are not silly questions.

Thanks in advance.
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