Hello Dear all,

First let me say that i'm very new in term of web based developpemnt
(the HTML/CSS Part). i've always worked on backend logic (in java,
python, etc....) never on the end user interface directly.

This said, i'm trying to use the django-mptt to install a simple
hierarchy in my first django app.
And I'm blocked at the view template / level
(ie rendering something for the end user)

At the model level, the integration is successful.
i've registered my Item model in mptt.
My Item has a 'parent' field that is used by mptt to discover parent/
child relation ship.

So i can create some Item hierarchy in a breeze....And i can use it on
the python command line.

But i can't figure my self how to integrate this in a template.
What i'm looking for is a way to render the whole item Tree.
Each item would have it's own line with it's title
Each item would be a little more on the right side depending on the
depth in the hiearchy
Each item would have a link on the right to edit himself
Each item would have a link on the right to move himself

So i guess i should use the mptt template tag
{% full_tree_for_model myApp.Item as OneItem %}

But then, how do i display for each OneItem
1) OneItem deppth in the tree
2) OneItem title
3) OneItem pk id (to generate the right link)

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