Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-03-06 at 09:17 +0530, M.Ganesh wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've pasted a minimalist code here:
>> Only the table caption and the table headers show-up in the web page. 
>> The LunchEnrty_list.count also shows up correctly, but there are no 
>> table rows.
> You are trying to iteratate over LunchEntries_list.all, but
> LunchEntries_list is defines as LunchEntries.objects.all(). Querysets,
> which is what LunchEntries_list is, do not have an all() method. Only
> model managers (LunchEntries.objects) have an all().
> So drop the "all" bit in your tempate iteration.
> Malcolm
Hi Malcom and Michael,

Yes. Dropping the *.all* worked

Thanks a lot

Regards Ganesh

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