A friend of mine that has been helping me look at this just showed me
ticket 6256: http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/6256.  So I guess no
need to reply.  Thanks!

On Mar 28, 11:02 am, homebrew79 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having a really strange problem with the django admin, and POST
> data.
> This is with trunk.  On rev 7364.  But this has been happening for a
> long time on older builds.
> There is an edit_inline that has several hundred associated records.
> When saving, it frequently fails validation an gives the "Please
> correct the error below" message.
> I'll use firebug to search on the term "error" and it will show me the
> field that caused the error.
> Typically the field is filled out as should be, or in the case of a
> select option, it will be the '----', no selection.
> What's really crazy is that this happens if you just load the page and
> save without making any changes.
> It doesn't happen every time, and the field that it errs on is totally
> random.
> I finally got so frustrated that I put some logging in the
> change_stage view of the admin to write the post data out to a file.
> What I found is that the fields that it is erring on are getting a '\r
> \n' prepended to the data.
> So for example the request.POST data that is coming into the view has
> a value that looks like this:
> u'style.41.color_cat': [u'\r\n11']
> But the request.raw_post_data from the same place looks like this:
> Content-Disposition: form-data; name="style.41.color_cat"^M
> ^M
> 11^M
> So it looks to me like django is inserting the \r\n somewhere between
> when the POST data leaves the browser and when it gets to the view as
> request.POST.
> I have disabled all middleware but
> 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware' and
> 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware' because I
> belive those are needed to use the admin.
> The context processers in use are just the default context processors.
> This is happening with mod_python and the django development server.
> This is happening with Firefox 2 and 3b4.  Also happening with IE 7.
> Any ideas or advice on how to debug this would be really appreciated.
> It is driving me nuts and I am at the point of obsession.
> Many Thanks!
> -Brian Morgan
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