I'm co-writing a site for a student nation (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nations_at_Swedish_universities ) and
I've run into some issues in the first step of creating the site,
making the models.

I have a model called Person that describes personal information about
a person; name, adress, DOB... No problem here. I'm using the
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE approach to link a User to a Person. No problem

The problem is the next Model and it's relations. It's called
"Position" and holds information about a position within the
organizational hierarchy and as such should have permissions for the
page associated with it. I'm thinking I could just relate it to the
django.contrib.auth.permission system and have that sorted that way
(not sure about this thou)...

The biggest problem is that the relation between Person and Position
(a many to many relation) is date-limited. It starts at a given date
and stops at another given date. Between these 2 dates, the person
should have access to the permissions stated in the Position model.

How can I go about doing this? Any help is welcome, I'm quite new to
Django but it appears to be just what we need for our project.

Robin Ã…kerman, System technician at Wermlands Nation, Lund, Sweden.
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