On Tue, 2008-04-01 at 22:10 -0700, PENPEN wrote:
> 1. About select_related():
> It is said that it will automatically "follow" foreign-key
> relationships, selecting that additional related-object data when it
> executes its query. So it is not applicable for ManyToMany
> relationship, isn't it?

That's correct. It only follows non-nullable many-to-one relations.

> And if select_related() is used,  will the queryset method on the
> related Manager access the DB later? For example:
> b = Book.objects.select_related().get(id=4)
> p = b.author         # Doesn't hit the database.
> p.get(pk=3) # Will this action hit the database?

If 'author' is marked as a ForeignKey on the Book model, then b.author
is an Author object. So b.author.get() makes no sense.

> 2.  About iterator(), 'for' and 'enumerate' on queryset:
> There is a snippet from the django document page(http://
> www.djangoproject.com/documentation/db-api/):

[... snip ...]

> It seems that 'for' loop and enumerate on a QuerySet will use its
> iterator. Then if I use 'for' loop or enumerate() on a queryset to do
> some logical task and in the template it will iterate the QuerySet
> again to display all the data, will the database be hit again?

Looping over an iterable object does not call the "iterator()" method.
It calls the __iter__() method. If you have a look at the definition of
__iter__ in query.py, you'll notice that it doesn't call iterator() if
the result_cache is populated.


I've got a mind like a... a... what's that thing called? 

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