Django Fans,

I started out planning to convert one or two dynamic pages of a local 
canine agility club's web site which I act as webmaster for to Django to 
see if I really liked Django and to get an idea of how long it would take 
to convert the whole site.  Well, in just under a week I ended up 
converting the whole site.  Not bad considering I was learning as I went 
and spent a good bit of that time trying to locate silly mistakes that 
were staring me in the face the whole time. Admittedly the site in it's 
present state is fairly simple.  The photo gallery, upcoming events, and 
brags sections of the site are the only areas that are currently database 
driven.  Everything else is static pages.  And, there's almost no web 
based admin interface.  I use some shell scripts to handle adding photos 
to the photo gallery section and a clipper(xBase) program to enter 
upcoming event and brag entries.  The program then generates the necessary 
sql to insert/update the changes to the sql database.  My goal at this 
point was to just duplicate the existing functionality.  I've hardly done 
any customization to the Django admin interface but have already used it 
to correct a couple of items.  Our existing site, currently PHP based, and 
poorly written PHP at that, is at:

And, the new Django version can be seen at:

I'm just waiting for a few more group members to review it before I move 
it into production.

Bruceville, TX

Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.
Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla!!!

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