I have followed Doug Van Horn's detailed explanation very closely.  I
have also read the Django documentation page on this particular
topic.  But for some reason, I still cannot get the thing to work.

Here is my situation:  In my <full path>/Programming/Python/Django
directory I have created a project called TestProject, and in
TestProject I have an app called TestApp.

Also in TestProject I have Media/JavaScript/MyJSFile.js.  In urls.py I
have the following line:

(r'^media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
{'document_root': '<full path>Programming/Python/Django/TestProject/

I have also specified '<full path>/Programming/Python/Django/
TestProject/Media' as my MEDIA_ROOT and '/media/' as MEDIA_URL in
settings.py.  I have read the documentation very carefully, and I
believe I am doing everything correctly.

I have <script type="text/javascript" src="media/JavaScript/
MyJSFile.js"></script> in the <head> tag of my template.  Everything
else in the template gets rendered, but the JavaScript part does not.
In fact, I get an error saying "TestFunc() not defined."  (TestFunc()
is a simple hello-world function defined in MyJSFile.js.)

I am really at my wit's end.  If someone here notices my error, I
would be very grateful to him for pointing it out to me.


In case it might be important, I should mention that I am using Fedora
8, and I installed Django through yum:  yum install Django.


Thanks in advance for your help,

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