I begin testing qs-rf branch and get this exception, why?
May be because Office model is tree - has parent =
models.ForeignKey('self') field?

Exception Type:         RuntimeError
Exception Value:        maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp
Exception Location:     /home/sector119/devel/django_src/django/db/models/
sql/query.py in join, line 734
Python Executable:      /usr/bin/python2.5

Template error

In template /home/sector119/devel/eps_src/eps/templates/base.html,
error at line 23
Caught an exception while rendering: maximum recursion depth exceeded
in cmp

23      <b>{{ user.office.location.get_type_display }}.
{{ user.office.location.name }}, {{ user.office.name }}, {% firstof
user.get_full_name user.username %}</b> | {% block userlinks %}<a
href="">{% trans 'Help' %}</a> | <a href="{% url
django.contrib.auth.views.logout %}">{% trans 'Sign out' %}</a>{%
endblock %}
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