This is really great! While I wouldn't like to speak in anybody's name,
I think I can safely say that the comunity will benefit from this, and
I'm really looking forward to the moment you opensource the code.

~ Chris

El jue, 17-04-2008 a las 02:30 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
> Hi Joe,
> On Apr 16, 11:28 am, "Joe Bloggs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > A nice clean site, I would be interested to know:-
> Thanks
> > How long it took to develop?
> Approximately 5 man months (including all activities). Of these 5
> months, only 1 1/2 month have been spent building the actual website
> as you see it. The rest of the time has mainly been spent on reverse
> engineering a complete mess of an old site. There is a fairly complex
> member database behind (the organization has 10.000 members that can
> have various sorts of affiliations with lots of groups etc.). Before
> this member database was in a MS SQL Server, and had no administration
> interface, so the secretaries was manually updating relations in the
> database, taking the primary key of one row, and manually inserting it
> as a foreign key in another row! Also, the integration of the old
> member database on the web, once done through a various TYPO3
> extensions that, if documented, were documented and written entirely
> in french (a language I hardly speak :). On top of that, the  old
> database was in many respects seriously over-model, trying to make it
> smarter than good was. Additionally, a lot of the data in the database
> was in a poorly shape, so there was lots of cleaning to do.
> > Which django components did you use?
> First of all we use newforms-admin branch, since its a lot more
> flexible than the old admin. I've found the branch very stable, and
> the developers are good at describing backward incompatible changes.
> Besides we use the auth system (works fairly well for 10k members),
> and a lot of all the core modules. I found that we only seldom used
> generic views, as a get_object_or_404 witha render_reponse was much
> more flexible and nearly as easy. The new paginator works as a charm.
> On top of that, we use django-mptt to manage hierarchical data. This
> is a really neat application, if you need to eg manage a menu
> structure. We also use django-cron. The rest is developed by
> ourselves, this include:
> menu system + breadcrumb (inspired by the pycon-tech system)
> static pages (basically a bit like flatpages but with tinymce editor
> and options for timed publishing and more)
> press release and image archive adapted from one our other website
> ( - soon to be running django)
> simple mass mailing
> reporting
> Most of it, we will probably be releasing as open source for others to
> use, within the next half year. We need to make another site first,
> with some of the same components.
> For site wide search we use google search, as it was easier and
> faster, and as we are an non-profit organization, we don't have to
> show commercials.
> > Any gotchas ( things that were unexpected or non-obvious ) you had on the
> > way?
> Django can get you a lot of the way very quickly, and is a lot more
> fun to work with that eg other frameworks for eg Java and PHP. That
> said, Django cannot do all, and doesn't pretend to either. Especially
> once you start modeling more complex relationships you start to see
> what Django doesn't do for you. A simple example is many-to-many
> relationships with attributes: Say you want to relate any number of
> contacts with any number of groups, with the catch, that a the contact
> can have a status within the group (e.g. the contact can be a chair of
> the group or just a normal member). The ManyToManyField and the admin
> can't handle this, so you have to do your own many to many relation,
> and own editor.
> Managing hierarchical data in a relational database has always been a
> pain. Django-mptt alleviate you from a lot of the pain, however, it
> still need a good administration interface (but seems like they are
> working on that).
> Cheers,
> Lars
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Joe
> >
> > On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 11:03 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> >
> > > We just released a new website for the International Astronomical
> > > Union today (an organization of 10.000 professional astronomers, most
> > > famous for demoting Pluto as a planet - now it's only a "dwarf
> > > planet"). You can access website at
> >
> > > Besides having a nice front-end for visitors, Django allowed us to
> > > quickly build an intuitive and appealing interface for the managing
> > > vast amount of membership data and relations for IAU.
> >
> > > Thanks for viewing,
> > > Lars Holm Nielsen
> > > ESA/Hubble
> > 

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