I am trying to create a dymanic MultipleChoiceField with the
CheckboxSelectMultiple widget. The thing I want different, is the all
the list for the Choice field I want to be references to that object.

c = Model1.objects.get(id=temp_id)
i = [ ['-','-']]
for x in c.m2mModel2.all():
dynamicForm.base_fields['dynamic_choice'].choices  =  i[1:]
form = dynamicForm()

That works OK and creates the list and displays it with the list of
many to many with checkboxes. But they are all as one field.
What i though is to have each of the options be a reference to Model2
from the many 2 many fields. So i could display more info from
The first solution I though of was  {% for x in form.dynamic_choice %}
but it returns 'BoundField' object is not iterable.

Basically do a MultipleChoiceField with a m2m and each option be one
of those objects.

Any idea how I could?

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