Josh wrote:
I've heard a couple people recommend Slicehost. I'm going to check
them out (for the price, might as well). Seems like they'll be good.
Can't wait until it's possible for them to offer FreeBSD slices
though. Gentoo will do for now.
I too can recommend using a vps on slicehost. It isn't managed hosting though. If you are able and willing to do all the maintenance related stuff on the server side, having a slice is great. If you really are going to go that big, it might be a good idea to just use colocation, and get several boxes at one or more datacenters.

Managed webhosting and vps hosting (generally) isn't meant or developed for that kind of scaling.

I guess my answer is:
For something that big, I recommend looking into colocation rather than inquiring about which hosting company is the most django-friendly.

Jeff Anderson

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