You are having trouble because the form does not contain a Manager
object, it contains the primary key of a related Manager object.

try this:

m = Manager.objects.get(pk=form['manager'])
                 'Software Request', message,

On 4/28/08, morfeus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am new to django and python, so forgive me if I make incorrect
> references. I've been trying for days to find a solution. I will try
> to give all the necessary details.
> The general problem:
> Accessing an attribute value of a foreign object through the form.
> What I have:
> A form that gathers information and upon submission adds a record to
> the database and sends out an email. I am creating the form with
> form_for_model. A basic version of the model is:
> class Software_request(models.Model):
>    manager = models.ForeignKey(Manager)
>    fname = models.CharField("First name", max_length=15)
>    lname = models.CharField("Last name", max_length=15)
>    email = models.EmailField()
>    software = models.CharField(max_length=50)
>    class Admin:
>        list_display = ('lname', 'fname', 'software', 'manager')
>        list_filter = [''manager']
>        search_fields = ['software']
>    def __unicode__(self):
>        return '%s, %s' % (self.lname, self.fname)
> In addition, you will notice the manager is a ForeignKey to this:
> class Manager(models.Model):
>    fname = models.CharField("First name", max_length=15)
>    lname = models.CharField("Last name", max_length=15)
>    email = models.EmailField()
>    class Admin:
>        pass
>    def __unicode__(self):
>        return'%s, %s' % (self.lname, self.fname)
> And of course my view looks like this:
> from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse
> from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
> from django.template import Context, loader
> from django.core.mail import send_mail
> from forms import RequestForm
> def sw_request(request):
>    if request.method == 'POST':
>        form = RequestForm(request.POST)
>        if form.is_valid():
>            sender = form.cleaned_data['email']
>            # message = form['manager']
>            message = form.cleaned_data['manager']
>            send_mail(
>                'Software Request', message,
>                sender, ['[EMAIL PROTECTED]']
>            )
>            return HttpResponseRedirect('/sw_request/thanks/')
>    else:
>        form = RequestForm()
>    return render_to_response('test2/sw_request.html', {'form': form})
> def thanks(request):
>    return render_to_response('test2/thanks.html')
> You can see I have a line commented out in the view. I have been
> playing around with various ways of trying to get at the data. Once I
> figure it out, I will be using the manager's email as a recipient
> address. That's the only thing I cannot seem to get.
> What I have noticed:
> -The manager value in POST (when submitting the data) is the id number
> of the respective manager record. This makes sense because the
> software_request uses the id as the foreign key.
> -The drop down field in the form for managers, displays the unicode
> value of 'lastname, firstname' as expected(populated of course with
> all the values in the table).
> I have tried to set a variable to capture the manager's email but
> cannot. I have tried various things (laugh as necessary) like:
> mgr =
> mgr = form.manager.get('email')
> Usually the error page tells me that the 'manager' attribute does not
> exist.
> Is what I am attempting even possible? It seems very simple but no
> matter what I try I'm not doing it right. Thanks to anyone who can
> understand and help.
> PS- ask as many additional questions if you want. I'll be working on
> this all day...again :-\
> >

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