
> I am currently working on a CMS using Django and I am ready to make a
> switch to the SVN version because of the new features, bug fixes, and
> increased performance but the developer I am working with is unsure of
> the usefulness/safety of changing to SVN. We are at a stage in the
> project where we are about to do a (almost) complete code re-write, so
> now is the time to make this decision.
> The major concerns he is having are:
> 1) Stability (He doesn't want the SVN version to crash our client
> sites... obviously)

As you acknowledge below: Django trunk versions are stable enough for
production use.

> 2) Keeping client sites updated properly (We have about 10 clients
> that we support right now and will probably have over 50 within 6
> months, so keeping them all on the same level may be hard with the SVN
> version)

Not really. You can pick a known good SVN trunk revision and set up
all your clients to use that revision. So, you are in control of which
"snapshot" of trunk you would like to deploy in production.

> 3) "Why fix it if it ain't broken" (I don't agree with this philosophy
> but he seems to be an advocate of it)

Did you ask your fellow developer why you are doing a complete code
rewrite if it ain't broken? ;)

There's a good reason to move up to trunk because it's going to be
much closer to Django 1.0 than 0.96 is. Trunk also fixes all kinds of
brokeness in 0.96.

> 4) Benefits of SVN vs. 0.96

> 5) Staying on top of the development of the SVN version

You don't have to stay on top of every SVN revision that's committed
on a daily basis. You could pick a recent revision, test it, and stick
with it for a few months or longer. Then once in a while take a look
at the precisely documented "Backwards-incompatible" change list and
update periodically.

So just because you are using an SVN revision doesn't mean that you
are committing to remain on the bleeding edge that somehow require you
to update your client installations every day.

> I am aware of these reasons to use the SVN version:
> - New features
> - Bug fixes
> - It is very stable, even if it is the SVN version
> - All incompatabilites/new features are outline and everything is
> documented

Add to that:

- showstopping bugs in the trunk are fixed very quickly thereby
keeping it stable

Also, to reiterate my earlier point above:

- SVN doesn't mean you *must* stay with the latest daily snapshot. You
can pick  a snapshot that passes your tests and declare it to be your
own official certified revision frozen for the next X months.

> However, I don't think that is enough to convince him. If anyone could
> point out things that I've missed or offer their opinion on the
> matter, I would be very appreciative!

SVN's feature advantages over 0.96.1:
- The newforms library is much more feature complete
- The recent qs-rf merge makes QuerySets even more powerful and
- Model inheritence is now available
- Template fragment caching
- Full Unicode support
- CsrfMiddleware gives you protection against Cross Site Request
- Most other OSS Django application components tend to be written to
and updated against one of the trunk revisions. For example, django-
registration,  comment-utils, tagging, voting, etc. You will miss out
on those if your next clients need such a feature.
- SVN today represents a full year's worth of enhancements to Django
since 0.96. Considering how active the Django development is, that's a
whole lot of stuff to miss out on.
- You will get better support answers in this group :)

Since you are embarking on a complete code-rewrite, why start off your
shiny new code with a major handicap of being so incompatible with the
next release of Django not to mention *knowingly* missing out on all
the above mentioned and more features?

-Rajesh D

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