see comments inline...

On 5/5/08, phillc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> there has been a few things that i feel have been holding back from
> making my code structure/process better. i was hoping someone could
> help me on some of these questions.
> first:
> ====
> How does one develop tests for django web apps?
> im having trouble writing tests.
> i understand there are view tests, but those are so overly complex to
> write.
> i was just wondering how other people approach it, and if anyone can
> point me to some open source application that uses tests properly.
> i would love to give test driven development a try, but right now, i
> feel that my code is too bound to code in my view, which im having
> trouble making unit tests for. (id love to see a django project
> somewhere that was test driven)

My tests are pretty much limited to model functions, I do not test a
great deal of my view logic.  Just my preference.

> second:
> ====
> i have a model object, that "has many" of another object, which "has
> many" of another object. (relations)
> i want to display each in groups based on their parents
> which is better design?
> pass the top most parent to the template, and have the template go
> through each of the top obect then each of the next object
> =or=
> have the view do it and pass it to the template

I do as much of this as possible within my model, ie I have a number
of models with a self join "parent"  All of those models have a
recusive function called get_children that can provide me with all of
the children and grandchildren, etc...

> third:
> ====
> in the same situation, where i have several relations
> i want to save data, (say i was unable to use model forms)
> my forms allow input of the parent, and each of the children model
> objects.
> is it better to put my save logic in the new form object, or in the
> model?
> if you say new form object, is there ever a time that you would put
> all of your saving logic in the model instead of the form?

I put any and all model required save logic within the model.  My
perspective is that if it is of a fundamental nature to the data, it
goes in the model, if it is simply fundamental to a specific view or
form, I will put it there.

> fourth:
> ====
> i never understood this, why do people do
> somevar = "blah blah %s" % anothervar
> instead of "blah bla" + anothervar
> ?
> fifth:
> ====
> in my models, a model object is only aware of the objects above it,
> and not below it.
> in C, i remember i just declared all functions, with no body to it, at
> the top of the file
> then all functions were aware of all functions.
> how do i do this in python?
> thanks a ton for your input =)
> >

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