On May 21, 10:37 pm, puff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As part of startup, the application needs to initialize itself from a
> number of external applications.  We've Googled the issue and it
> appears that it is reasonable to do this initialization by putting
> code in startup.py.  Is this the case?  When is startup.py executed by
> Django?  Under what conditions, if any, will it be re-executed?

Depending on the hosting mechanism has been configured, any Django
startup may only happen the first time a request comes in. This would
potentially delay requests if the initialisation takes a while.

You may need to look at the hosting mechanism being used to see if it
has a means of loading code and performing actions when processes are
first loaded. This can still result in requests being delayed in
certain circumstances but impact is otherwise a lot less.

> Part of the application involves running an external application on a
> scheduled basis.  Our tentative approach is to use cron to post a URI
> to cause Django to start the external application.

Apache is a multiproces web server. Does it matter that your request
is going to only one of the possible many processes which may be

Do note it is possible to write standalone scripts that import your
Django instance and thus allow you to do stuff on the database outside
of the context of an Apache process.

So, do you really need it to be done inside the context of a running
Apache process?

> What, if any, issues are there with a daemon like process running
> within Django/Apache?

Do you mean a daemonised thread running in Apache processes? Running
Django under Apache is not an issue, so not sure if you mean something

> It seems likely that parts of our application will want to be
> threaded.  What, if any, issues are there with threading within Django/
> Apache?

There is unfortunately no definitive answer to that. Although people
use Django on Apache winnt and worker MPMs, plus with multithreaded
fastcgi configurations, there is no guarantee that Django is thread

> Any insight that the group might provide will be greatly appreciated
> as these are rather critical architectural questions that impact how
> we will use Django and the overall design of our application.

You may perhaps want to split out any long running activities from the
Django processes running in Apache into a separate backend server
independent from Apache. That backend process can be a true long
running process, where as with processes under Apache, they can be
recycled by Apache which may be an issue where an activity is

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