Hello everyone,

I want to build sort of a multi-user blog system with some "community-
building" features. Right now I see it as a set of applications as
- News. RSS-aggregated, manually translated and republished on the
site "Industry News" section
- Blog. Each user will have a blog of one's own and there will be one
"main" blog built of users' "featured" posts.
- Profile. The perfect thing to do is provide each user is a subdomain
profile page, which should also be used as squidoo-kind of lense or a
mashup of some user's details, one's own blog posts and some external
- Forum. Just a basic forum application, but I'm thinking of a feature
of creating a forum topic related to a certain news article or blog
- Job board. Pretty straight forward here.
- Event management. A site-wide calendar of events which every user
should be able to "attend" (tick an "I'll be there" button) and, of
course, add events to. This, indeed, must also provide an iCal feed.
- Rating. Ideally I need a rating system so only authoritative and
respectful authors get their "featured" posts on the main page. Thus
posts and comments need to be rated.

I'm a Django noob and, basically, haven't been developing for years
now, but do have a general understanding of the way things work inside
the Web :)

What are the applications available I might use to ease up the task? I
see django-registration, django-profile and django-tagging as the
required ones. What about subdomains? django-accounts seems to handle
that, but how does that live together with django-profile?

Speaking of other applications, is it worth building a blog and forum
from scratch or would be just easier to get coltrane to handle multi-
user blog and django-forum to start with the forum development? I
realise that job board and event subsystem aren't available out-of-the-
box to start with, but they aren't a top priority at the moment and by
the time I get to them I hope do learn enough to stop asking stupid
questions :)

Rating is something I don't yet understand how to achieve.
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