Karen Tracey wrote:
> On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 3:29 AM, M.Ganesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Karen Tracey wrote:
>     > On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 9:48 PM, Karen Tracey
>     > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
>     >
>     >     On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 7:53 PM, M.Ganesh
>     >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
>     >
>     >
>     >         Hi All,
>     >
>     >         I have this url to start a note_l1 addition :
>     >         '/contacts/note_l1/add/?entity=2'
>     >
>     >         This reaches the server and my code intact. An 'Add; page is
>     >         displayed.
>     >         After I fill the form and press the 'Add' button only the
>     >         '/contacts/note_l1/add/' portion reaches the server. the
>     >         '?entity=2'  is
>     >         missing. I want to use this 'entity=2' info to redirect
>     to the
>     >         relevant
>     >         page. Unable to figure out what is happening. Can somebody
>     >         kindly have a
>     >         look.
>     >
>     >         The details are here : http://dpaste.com/hold/53853/
>     >
>     >         Thanks in advance
>     >
>     >
>     >     The url used for the form's POST is specified on the <form>
>     action
>     >     attribute.  What are you specifying for action= in your
>     template?
>     >     Dot goes back to the same page, but I don't believe it carries
>     >     along query strings.  So if you want your POST to include a
>     query
>     >     string I think you'll need to pass it through from the GET
>     >     handling part of your view into your template so it can be
>     >     included as part of the form's action attribute.
>     >
>     >
>     > Oops, also meant to mention probably a more common way of handling
>     > this kind of thing is via a hidden field in your form.
>     >
>     > Karen
>     Thanks Karen for your suggestion. But I further played around with the
>     above setup and have some intriguing observations.
>     Instead of adding a 'note_l1' object, I tried adding a 'emailid'
>     object.
>     The view function worked as expected. The differences   between the
>     'note_l1' and 'emailid' objects, as far as I could see are :
>     1. 'emailid' is a plain model whereas 'note_l1' is inherited from an
>     abstract model.
>     2. 'note_l1'  involves genericRelations
> The really significant difference between your other models and your 
> new emailid model is email id has an 'entity' field.  So when you POST 
> the form to create a new emailid this line of code:
>     if request.REQUEST.has_key('entity'):
> returns True.  But it's pulling 'entity' from the post data, not from 
> the query string.  As you note in your annotation of the runserver 
> output, there is no query string included in the POST.  The entity 
> value you get here will be whatever the user has selected for 'Entity' 
> in the posted form, it is not going to be tied at all to the 'entity' 
> query parameter on the original url.
>     Yes, it is action = "." indeed in the template
> So based on experimentation (I haven't bothered to look it up in any 
> standard), I believe this is where you lose the query string.  Form 
> action="." goes back to the url used for the GET, minus any query string.
> Karen
>     The details (Version 2.0) are here : http://dpaste.com/hold/53887/
>     My Django version 0.97-pre-SVN-7543
>     Hope you can spend some more time on this.
>     Thanks in advance
>     Regards Ganesh
Thanks Karen, for providing the insight into 'POST' behavior. I'll use 
hidden fields to achieve my purpose.

Incidentally,  I  tried the above code with Apache-mod_python as well. 
The access.log of apache is here : http://dpaste.com/hold/54002/.  There 
POST request also get the url parameters. Still it behaves the same way 
as with runserver.

Thanks for your time once again
Regards Ganesh

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