
> The summary of error messages is this:
>> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'blog'
> I've made sure that /papastudio/blog has __init.py__, and that it's
> listed in INSTALLED_APPS (which is logical since the site actually
> works if I ./manage.py runserver).

Did you follow the mod_python deploy instructions? There are a few  
things that may be happening.

1. The file needs to be '__init__.py', not '__init.py__', but I think  
that is probably just a typo in this email.
2. Make sure you have __init__.py in both `/papastudio/` and `/ 
3. Is the base import (depending on what the entry in your  
INSTALLED_APPS looks like, if its `papastudio.blog` then it would be  
`papastudio`) in the Python path for your mod_python deploy? You will  
probably need to explicitly add it like in the instructions linked  
above. Your deploy will look something like this:

     <Location "/mysite/">
         SetHandler python-program
         PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
         SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE papastudio.settings
         PythonDebug Off
         PythonPath "['/path/to/papastudio'] + sys.path"

> I've left the site in debug mode, so that I can see what's going on,
> but the errors are the same if I set debug to False.

Thats because they are being caught by mod_python, and not by Django.  
To turn it off change `PythonDebug On` to `PythonDebug Off` in your  
mod_python config file.

Best of luck,

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