On 23 juin, 08:50, MongooseNX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> I'm very new to python and have what I hope is a simple question for
> regular users of python.
> scenario:
> I use python scripting with ESRI software (ArcMap).  Python 2.4 is
> installed when ArcMap is installed and using PythonWin I can access
> the ArcMap Geoprocessing libraries from ESRI.  For me it simply works
> out of the box and I don't have to think about it, but I've installed
> Eric4 (Python IDE) and it is for python 2.5 which when I use and try
> to import the ESRI libraries they are not recognized like in 2.4.
> Question:
> Where would I look to see what settings Python 2.4 uses to 'see' these
> libraries


> so I can hopefully duplicate the settings in 2.5?

If these libs use binary modules (Python extension modules coded in C
or C++...), this just won't work. In this case, you may have to either
get a python 2.5 compatible version of ArcMap (if such a thing exists)
or a python 2.4 compatible version of Eric.


> Thanks for any help or info.  Sorry this isn't a Django question per
> se, but this is the most active python group on Google groups,

Err... I'm not sure Django-users is much more active than
comp.lang.py, but even if that was the case, your question would still
belong there (http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python).

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