ok so I have in my data base a colium of rss feeds and I am parseing  
them via feedparser and I am having a touble getting one feed to have  
like "local/show/1" and another feed have "local/show/2" but how do  
you do this here is the urls.py in its current state:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *

urlpatterns = patterns('',
     # Example:
     # (r'^ubermicro/', include('ubermicro.foo.urls')),

     # Uncomment this for admin:
     (r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),
     #temp only fo dev proposes
     (r'^shows/','ubermicro.shows.views.show_page') # .* does not work

then views.py:

from django.http import HttpResponse
import feedparser
from ubermicro.shows.models import show
from django.template import Context, loader

def show_page(request):
     """this is where we take what we need form the rss feeds in the  
data base"""
     query = show.objects.filter(show_feed__contains="http://";)
     for s in query:
         podcast = feedparser.parse(s.show_feed)
         if  podcast.entries:
             elements = {'show_about':  
podcast.feed.summary,'show_latest_title': podcast.entries 
[0].title,'show_latest': podcast.entries[0].summary}
     e = elements
     t = loader.get_template('shows/show_page_base.html')
     return  HttpResponse(t.render(Context(e)))

just to say new to django and webdev python etc. so baby language  
please thank you very much in advance

see ya


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