Nobody cares?
To me this seems like a significant bug in contrib.admin ...  okay I'm
filing it as such:

- PW

On Jun 17, 2:08 pm, Paul Winkler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bear with me, I'm a Django novice, still reading docs...
> I'm trying to build my first app using django admin (release 0.96),
> because it's a good match to the requirements (a quick and simple CRUD
> application).
> I found a thread from last 
> year
> where the last post describes the same problem I'm having, but there
> were no further replies.
> All was coming along nicely until I started using 'the lookup API
> “follow” notation' to get a foreign key into my search_fields, like
> this:
> class FilmClip(models.Model):
>     ...
>     class Admin:
>         ...
>         search_fields = ('clip_id', 'label', 'description',
>                          'filmcliplog__description'   # This is the
> line that causes problems
>                          )
> class FilmClipLog(models.Model):
>     clip = models.ForeignKey(FilmClip,
>                              edit_inline=models.TABULAR,
>                              num_in_admin=3)
>     ...
> There are two problems with the resulting behavior:
> 1) Any matching FilmClip thas has at least one FilmClipLog will show
> up in the results twice.
> 2) Any matching FilmClip that has no FilmClipLogs will not show up at
> all.
> From the mysql query log, I've found that the query looks like:
>   SELECT ... FROM `filmy_filmclip` INNER JOIN `filmy_filmcliplog` ...
> But what I want is this:
> `filmy_filmcliplog` ...
> So, my questions:
> 1) Is this a Django bug? When would the existing behavior be
> desirable?
> 2) Is there a way to specify the type of join in the search query?
> 3) Is there a way to add DISTINCT to the search query?
> 4) If no, what's the quickest way to get the behavior I want?
> Thanks,
> - PW
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