On Thu, 2008-06-26 at 00:02 -0700, laspal wrote:
> hi,
> I am writting unit test for the views.
> class IndustryTest(unittest.TestCase):
>     def setUp( self):
>         self.client = Client()
>         self.client.post('/ibm/login/', {' usrename' :'admin',
> 'password' : 'abcd'})
>     def test_addIndustry( self):
>         url = '/ibm/crm/industries/add/'
>         response = self.client.post(url,{ 'name': 'some'})
>         self.failUnlessEqual( response.status_code, 200)
>         # check if Industry was created
>         industry = Industry.objects.get( name = 'some')
>         self.failUnlessEqual( industry.name, 'some')
>     def tearDown( self):
>         self.client.post('/ibm/logout/')
> After running the test I am getting error.
>  self.failUnlessEqual( response.status_code, 200)
>  AssertionError: 302 != 200

Status code 302 is an HTTP redirect, which is what you would expect to
see, since your view is always returning a HttpResponseRedirect. The
test framework doesn't follow redirects. Bear in mind that status codes
in the 300 - 399 range aren't bad. So everything is working correctly
and it's just your expectation that's a little off here (i.e. the test
is wrong, not the code).

Ironically, I have a feeling that in the past I came down slightly
against an option to automatically follow redirects in the test
framework and yet my own code has a little function I'm always using to
do exactly that. I think there's a lesson about learning from experience
in there somewhere. :-)


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